Hope is a potential feeling when things are not obvious or near. Sometimes, hope is looking forward to the realization of something abstract. Hope seeks the possibility of continuity in the midst of an uncertain situation, on the road to being, becoming, and moving on.
In most of his series, Sasan Abri deals with urban spaces. The locations could be anywhere. Sasan Abri’s drawing-like photographs of the “Phototrope” series are the result of his everyday improvisations and flânerie in an urban context among the people. Neither people are central to the images, nor has the quality of the camera any significance. No historical reference or collective event is accentuated. These photographs are unvarnished fragments from different corners of the city, depicting an amalgamation of the city’s physical structure and people’s interaction with it. Abri’s blurry representation of his everyday meanderings and the way these spaces are transposed from the dark film onto the white paper is analogous to organizing the small pieces of enormous whole. It is like making an effort to consolidate and recall scattered memories and making them tangible.